Monday, December 30, 2019

Should We Use Animals For Medical Research Over The Recent...

World is ruthless, there are countless animals disappearing around us every day which means they can’t enjoy the sunshine tomorrow. These animals are unlucky that they don’t have control over their own lives. Nowadays, at different corners of the world, various chemicals with hidden danger are being injected into the animals’ body. They are being tested in lots of areas. Mostly being tested for whether a new drug is effective or not. We human call this phenomenon as medical research with animals and it is expressed as a medical research involving animals like mice, pigs, frogs, rabbits and so on. According to the website, there are over 100 million animals are killed in US laboratory for different reasons. This number is very big but it only applies to US, we can’t say how many animals around the world that also cannot escape the same horrible fate. Based on that, it then becomes obvious that people have been debating about whether we should continue usi ng animals in medical research over the recent centuries. Some people who support medical research on animals argue that we couldn’t have made so much progress in different aspects of life if we didn’t have animals in laboratory; while others who are against this approach say that animals should have equals rights as humans. So in my paper, I will present two different positions about this issue and then decide which position I will take and why I do so. The first perspective is that we shouldn’tShow MoreRelated Animal Rights Essay851 Words   |  4 Pages Animals have been used in medical research for centuries. In a recent count, it was determined that 8,815 animals were being used for research at MSU, 8,503 of them rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. There were 18 dogs, three cats and a variety of goats, ferrets, pigeons and rabbits. The struggle against this tyranny is a struggle as important as any of the moral and social issues that have been foug ht over in recent years.quot; Animal rights are an emotional issue-second only, perhapsRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1502 Words   |  7 PagesIn recent studies scientist claim that animal testing is beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge, while animal rights’ activists claim that animal testing is not humane and violates animals’ rights. The controversy over animal testing is best understood as a disagreement about whether animal testing is beneficial to humans. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. Every country has a law that permits medical experimentation on animals. While some countries protectRead MoreShould Animals Be Used For Scientific Experiments?1189 Words   |  5 Pagesdescribe an intimate relationship between human and dog that has developed over the centuries. But is this popular phrase true? Are dogs truly a mans best friend? Some argue of course they are— they are friendly, loyal, and in mo st cases considered a part of the family. But there are those who will disagree—people from other parts of the world, and at different times in history. Take scientists from the nineteenth century, for example, where a man’s best friend was used in scientific experimentsRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing1522 Words   |  7 Pagesand that is animal testing and research. Since the beginning of medicine, animals were used in the testing of drugs, vaccines, and medical devices to determine the safety of a product due to their similarities in diseases with humans. However this is considered unnecessary due to the creation of alternatives for animal testing. Despite these alternatives the majority of animal testing still has not come to halt. This issue deserves to be attentive to instead of turning a blind eye as we consumers haveRead MoreAnimals Used in Research1458 Words   |  6 Pagesthat I am choosing to examine for my paper is about animals that are used in re search and the rights they they do or do not have. The reason that I chose this particular topic is because that it is a topic that is very significant to me. I am currently going to Delaware technical Community College to become a Veterinary technician. My lifelong dream has always been to help and save animals, Any creature great or small animals used in research, mistreated, neglected and abused is not somethingRead MoreOver The Past 1500 Years Human Kind Has Used Animals For1485 Words   |  6 PagesOver the past 1500 years human kind has used animals for testing and they still use animals for testing today. Most experiments made on animals are for medical and cosmetic purposes. People that are for testing on animals usually argue that we would not be where we are today if we didn’t experiment on animals. Others that are against it say that these experiments and methods weren’t always necessary for everything we have accomplished. Now with all of our modern te chnology, science, and researchRead MoreThe Fight For Animal Rights1660 Words   |  7 Pagesfight for animal rights is one that has been going on for centuries. â€Å"The new emphasis upon animals feelings of sensation in the eighteenth century brought growing criticism of some forms of cruelty. Doubts about the ethics of castrating domestic animals were raised as early as 1714. (Guither, 1998, p.1) According to Guither (1998), London was the first to encourage the prevention of animal cruelty in 1824 where it eventually became the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. TheyRead MoreWhy Animal Testing Is Bad1578 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing, also known as animal research or experimentation refers to the use of non-human animals to conduct experiments which seek to control certain variables that have the potential to impact the biological systems or behaviors under study. The most commonly used animals are usually mice, cats, rats, dogs and primates. More than 20 million animals are usually subjected to food, drugs, chemical and cosmetic testing each year in the United States alone (Sharma et al, p.1). These animals usuallyRead MoreAnimal Testing: Alternatives1085 Words   |  5 PagesAlthough animal testing was a main component for the facilitation of medical research in the past, it is no longer necessary due to the option of alternate testing methods. Animals that fall victim to the mercy of animal research are subject to experimentation for the purpose of manufacturing harmless products (McKnight 2). Cell cultures, the MIMIC system, TraumaMan, in vitro, and human volunteers are substitutes for this inhumane procedure (Sullivan 4; â€Å"PCRM Scientists Educate† 10). Animal testingRead More Against Animal Testing Essay1739 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing has started long back in the ancient Greek times. Greek physician Galen dissected animals, this became known as vivisection, which he studied. Since then animal testi ng has long grew. Over the many years our people have been either against or with animal testing. Animal testing has been an issue that has been occurring for many years and will continue into our future. Over the years our culture has created organizations for people both sides of this topic trying to convince others

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