Thursday, November 21, 2019

Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Issues - Essay Example From the project, several important implementation issues came up that would guide the health practitioners in data gathering. One of the issues was identifying core component while carrying out the project (Dennison & Prevost, 2012). As such, the practitioners focus on the interventions that are critical to producing positive results such as taking a hundred children six to ten years to collect the data. The reason for including this age was that that the children between those ages are susceptible to germs and dirt. The second issue was the importance of the implementation of the project. Program implementation is crucial for the hand-washing project as the intended outcomes are important for health practitioners and the patients (Brown, 2011). As such, the data gathering should contain such questions as factors affecting the project, how the implementation should be carried out to obtain the best result among others. The third issue in the series using evidence to re-educate people about the development of a new invention. The use of evidence is important is important as it teaches the parties on how to address social behaviors (LoBiondo-Wood & In Haber, 2014)). As such, the team will educate the receptors and the society in general on the significance of hand washing and recommend the right soap to use to kill the microorganisms in the dirty hands. Identifying core component of the hand-washing project was crucial for the group as it was based on recognizing and processing on what makes the program work. Importance of the project is crucial, as the results of the project are important to both the health practitioners and the receptors (Goldesteen and Graham, 2011). Using evidence from the project is crucial as it describes how to use the evidence to promote effectiveness and development. Evidence-based project is important as health practitioners are re-educated on the project to enhance the effectiveness while handling

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