Friday, October 4, 2019

Research ENG Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ENG - Research Paper Example The sociopolitical setting of the movie is eerily current and accompanied by an equally bleak portrayal of environmental decay. This imagery may spark in the viewers’ minds the emerging scientific truths of climate change and the associated ecological ruin that will accompany it more and more. The decaying natural surroundings in the movie add to the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, evoking anxieties felt after 9/11. Cuaron uses images that recall online pictures of America’s occupation of Iraq and possibly illegal detention of enemy combatants of Guantanamo Bay and other detention camps (Bruce, n.d.). This depiction creates a vital part of the movie’s ethical stance. Three key parallels between scenes in Children Of Men and recent news footage function in Cuaron’s critique of domestic and foreign policy after 9/11. The parallels show the nature and impact of terror, the violence committed by governments in the name of national security, and love and goodwill as a suitable solution. In figure 1, lead character Theo Faron escapes a terrorist bomb detonation supposedly set off by â€Å"The Fishes.† â€Å"The Fishes† were a clandestine group that fights the inhumane treatment of refugees in Britain. Later in the film, this group of radicals claims that it was not responsible for the incident and diverts blame to the government (Bruce, n.d.). In figure 2, threats-consulting organization Maplecroft  released statistics of the increasing risks of terror in select countries around the world. The countries, Iran, Pakistan, and Somalia, are riddled with extremist groups that orchestrate attacks similar to the one depicted in this photo. Children of Men, is full of images that tread an equally weighted line dividing the seeker and the sought, which are the victor and protector. The movie suits key pictures from contemporary art in its story of radicalism and infertility in one of the most poetically achieved futures. Extremists

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